domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

We need to talk...

No, I'm not breaking up with you.

When I wrote a blog post back in October saying that my week long break from blogging had accidentally been extended to ten days, I really didn't mean for it to go any further. However, I was fully aware of the weight my final year of university might put on my shoulders and before we started classes I had a very serious chat with myself: I had to learn to take things easy and start doing what my body and mind asked me to do - which surprisingly I'm becoming quite decent at. I often joke that this semester is turning me into the laziest version of myself, but really it's just me trying to keep myself together (...okay, and maybe being a bit lazy too). That being said, and as much as I love blogging, once I started feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of having to sit down and write I simply stopped posting.

To be quite honest with you, I've been finding it hard to write in the past few months and not only for the blog, which I hadn't even tried again until thirty minutes ago, but also for myself. I always say that I don't really understand what's going on in my head until I put pen to paper, and it's absolutely true, but not even the worst headaches have made me want to write. I have been turning to my friends a lot, which means I've been sending ridiculously long text messages complaining about boys being idiots, work being stressful and me being a soon-to-be spinster with five dogs. Alriiiiiight, I'm 20 and I have one dog. Whatever. You get the idea. My point is that I've never been one to openly talk about my problems like I've been doing lately, so it's nice to be able to open up for a change - even if my notebooks are now really sad and hate me for it. 

I'm rambling. 
The reason why I'm sitting here writing all this instead of watching Breaking Bad, which is the only thing I've been doing with my time lately, is that I want to get back to blogging. Yes, again. For the millionth time. Initially, the idea is to start posting twice a week, possibly Wednesdays and Sundays, and maybe I can squeeze another one in between every other week (especially more personal posts - you know I like those). It's definitely not an overwhelming amount of work, at least not until I start my second semester at uni in February, so I should be able to keep up. And if I don't, feel free to tweet me saying I'm the least consistent blogger you've ever met.

Lastly, thank you for being so patient with me. Over the course of the past couple of months I've seen the number of views and followers grow, just when I thought that the outcome would be the opposite. Thanks a million. I'll make sure Santa gives something extra special to all of you. ;) xx

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