sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

From High School to University: Tips & FAQ

I remember my first day of university like it was yesterday. I was shaking-legs kind of nervous - had been that way for a whole week. For the previous six years I'd attended the same high school, with the same people, the same teachers and the comfort of having the building five minutes away from home. I didn't have to move away for college, luckily, but to get there I would have to take the bus and the train every single day for the following four years. So different from what my high school journey was like for me.

The first thing you need to remember is that you're not alone. Everyone's in the same situation. There are very few people who go to university with friends, very few, so you should remember that everyone's feeling as lost as you are. Everyone's nervous, anxious and overwhelmed. It's a new environment for everybody, so that's what makes it easier to make friends. It doesn't mean you have to be friends with them forever, because you're definitely not going to like everyone you meet at university, but you will start meeting people right away. Believe me, you will find people you can trust, people you really like, people who will be nice to have by your side for the following few years - and hopefully long after you've finished your studies. If you want my advice, if what you want is to take your classes seriously and do well, which I'm guessing you do, you want to befriend people who are on the same page as you. The jokers are fine, they're oh so much fun to be around sometimes, but they will do no good to your academic life. Something you can do to start meeting new people is to set up a Facebook group. For example, "Art (University of Edinburgh) 2014 - 2015". You will be surprised how many people want to join. Plus, it's a really useful tool to have throughout the school year in case you need some information or somebody's notes if you couldn't go to class that day.

Then there's the teachers. I've been lucky with mine and I've had some amazing professors in my three years at university, but I have also come across a few demons. My advice is, no matter if you like the teacher or don't, talk to them. Ask them about the things you didn't understand. E-mail them if you're writing a paper for their class and you have some doubts. Let them know that you're interested in their classes, and also let them know that you don't agree with your mark if you think you did better than that. Don't be afraid to communicate with them. It is something that I rarely ever did in high school, but it's proven to be really useful at university. Trust me, your teachers won't bite you, and in most cases they will appreciate the interest and be really helpful with whatever you need. (Note: I'm not talking about being a suck-up. You won't get better grades just by talking to a teacher. Want better grades? Work your arse off.)

Things I wish I'd known

Is university hard?
Yes. It is hard. Especially if you're an easily overwhelmed person like me. Sometimes you might want to pull your hair out. You'll say "I'm gonna have to stay up all night" more often than you ever thought you would - and not exactly because you're going out. But it is so worth it. University is such a rewarding experience. Choose something you love and you'll survive.

What if I don't make friends?
Stop worrying - you will make friends! Everyone does. What's great about university is that there's no judging - at least not as much as in high school. It really is like going from a fish bowl to an ocean. No one cares and no one will judge you based on what you like, so it's a lot easier to get along with people. Trust me, I would know... I like One Direction. ;)

How much will I spend on books?
You are expected to spend a lot of money on books, as if university wasn't expensive enough as it is. Especially if you're doing a degree on literature. But if you have a tablet, e-reader device or even just a regular computer (if you don't mind reading from your screen), just download them. You can find most books online for free. You can even find text books now. It'll save you a lot of money! (Kickass Torrents is my best friend.)

 What if I fail a test/subject?
This is probably my very own frequently asked question. It's something that's on my mind 24/7 when it's finals season. I put more preasure on myself than my parents ever have and that's probably the worst kind of preasure. They, my parents, understand that there are things I'm not going to be that good at and they always say the same thing to me, something that we can all use: "If you do fail, it's not the end of the world." And really, it's not. It's probably going to happen - almost everyone fails at some point. It doesn't mean you're a failure. It doesn't mean you chose the wrong degree. It just means that we can't just be the best at everything. My advice? Be the best you can be. Always. Go to class (I know how tempting it is not to). Revise. And then revise some more if you feel like you could do better. That way, even if you do end up getting lower grades than you were expecting, you'll know that you have really tried. Academically speaking, there's nothing more satisfying than knowing that you have done your best.

And then, of course - have fun! You're going to learn some amazing things, which can also count as having fun, but you're definitely going to need to let go of the preasure somehow. University is a work hard, play hard kinda thing and I don't know how many more times in life we're going to be able to get away with that. Whatever might work for you, do it. Want to go out and party like a crazy animal? Don't hesitate. Want to sit and watch old re-runs of Jersey Shore with your friends? No one's stopping you. Want to blog all weekend? I don't see why not.

Good luck everyone :) 
Enjoy the ride!

Tania x

6 comentarios:

  1. I'm currently writing a blog post like this! I'm going into my final year of university in 2 weeks but I remember my first day like it was yesterday. Honestly the scariest day of my life! You soon get into though and then you wonder why you ever worried about it in the first place!

    Emma | The Fashion Six

    1. I'm going into my final year too! Looking forward to reading your post :) xx

  2. this really help as i start first year in 2 weeks and my main worry is about friends! thanks for making the post

    http://oliviamulhearn.blogspot.co.uk x

    1. Aw, no problem! Being nervous is perfectly ok, we all were on our first day, but you'll see you're gonna be okay! Everyone's going through the same thing so it's really easy to meet people :) Best of luck!! Xx

  3. Aww I wish I read a post like this before I started university- especially the part about "work your arse off"...anyways the first week was my favourite, everyone was scared and no one knew anyone, it was so easy to talk to just everybody *sigh*. First week is still my fav, it's the time to catch up with people and fer la Teo and there's no homework

    Nice blog Tania, see you soon!

    PS It's Teo, if there's still any doubt about that xD

    1. Aw Teo thanks for stopping by! I do wish I'd read something before we started uni too - although my main concern was that I didn't know what to wear! (Duh, obviously.) First week is the best, can't wait to see you all!!! :)
